Before you start searching, think about what is important to you in your next job. has many ways to search for the ideal job but it all depends on what your needs are.
8 Great Ways to Search for Jobs That Meet Your Needs, Using Multiple Search Filters
1. Category
We have 27 exciting categories to choose from across a number of career industries.
2. Sub-categories
Select from 221 sub-categories to further refine your search results.
3. Location
With 20 regions and 170 sub-locations, finding a job that is nearby is easy.
4. Job Types
Full Time, Part Time, Casual, Contract, Fixed Term and Voluntary.
5. Pay Range
Search by salary or hourly rate. It is easy to toggle between the two. It’s worth noting that salaries are re-calculated into an hourly rate and when searching by hourly rate a pro rata salary is generated.
6. Listing Date
Define your search by choosing jobs listed in the last 24 hours, 3 days or 7 days.
7. Keywords
Try searching by keywords. These could be the name of a specific role, job title or words specific to an industry. It could even be the name of a business/company you would like to work for.
8. Searchable Features
We recognise that job seekers have real needs that go beyond just pay range. We have 20 unique searchable features that enable you to search and find just what you're looking for. e.g. Child Friendly, Disability Support, NZ Skill Shortage, Rainbow Friendly, Work-from-Home and many more.
If you need inspiration in choosing a new career visit the homepage where we have all our Category Information & Career Insights.
Mega Tip - Use the + Add Job Alert button
When you set up a Job Alert, you will be sent an email of new job listings every 24 hours when jobs matching your criteria are listed. Employers will also be notified when you match and may invite you to apply for their listing.
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